Invitation to market dialogue for hydrogen infrastructure
Published 2.7.2021 02.00
Hydrogen and e-fuels may play an important role in the green transition with potentially major implications for the development of the future energy system. Energinet and the Danish Energy Agency are launching a market dialogue to get initial insight into future demand for hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark.
As an independent public enterprise responsible for the overall energy infrastructure in Denmark, Energinet has a role in facilitating and supporting developments in the energy sector, hereby contributing to the development of a climate-neutral energy supply. Assessing demand for power and gas infrastructures are processed according to already established processes, which do not cover hydrogen infrastructures. This dialogue is the initial effort to understand the need for hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark. We will ask for your interest in hydrogen capacity, geographical location your need for flexibility and storage among other things.
Clarity on future needs for access to hydrogen infrastructure could stimulate investments and accelerate PtX development in Denmark. Hydrogen infrastructure facilitates transport and storage of hydrogen, which will link large scale hydrogen production with consumers. The potential role of hydrogen infrastructure in an evolving hydrogen market has received significant attention at the European level. In Germany and the Netherlands i.e., they are already far in the planning process for hydrogen grids.
The output of the market dialogue is expected to serve as input to the work for the Danish Energy Agency on national strategies. The output will also serve as input to the future grid planning for both electricity and gas in Energinet.
All market players involved in PtX and hydrogen development activities are encouraged to participate in the dialogue. The answers submitted are not binding for all parties. We encourage projects of all levels of maturity to participate in the dialogue and we look forward receiving your response and interest hydrogen infrastructure.
The market dialogue is open in until August 31th 2021. Aggregated results of the dialogue will be summarized in a report and shared with the market. We will inform on next steps after the aggregated report has been released.
You can find the questionnaire here.
See the privacy policy regarding the market dialogue here.