Shippers' Forum

Energinet's Shippers' Forum is a forum for the professional players on the Danish gas market.

The purpose of the meetings, which are held 4 times a year, is to create a forum for the players and Energinet to discuss specific issues regarding operation and development of the Danish gas market focusing on the commercial aspects.

The participants are representatives of shippers, gas suppliers, distribution companies as well as storage and transmission. Also, the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority and the Danish Energy Authority participate as observers.

Agenda to Shippers' Forum 21 June 2017

12-13     Lunch and networking

13.00     Welcome
    Jeppe Danø, Energinet     

13.10     Joint Balancing Zone
              Poul Johannes Jacobsen, Energinet                    

13.20     Status on supply situation without Tyra 2019-2022  
              Christian Meiniche Andersen and Christian Rutherford, Energinet               

13.35     Baltic Pipe Open Season status  
    Julie Frost Szpilman and Christian Rutherford, Energinet

14.00     Coffee break and networking

14.30     Revised CAM NC
              Christian Rutherford, Energinet     

14.45     European Gas Target Model Self-Evaluation by DERA and Ei  
              Sara Steenberg Andersen and Henrik Nygaard Jensen, Danish Energy Regulatory Authority          

15.00     Revised Security of Gas Supply Regulation
              Per Stokholm, Danish Energy Agency

15.15     End of programme


Registration Deadline
16 June 2017 at 03.00 PM
21 June 2017
03.00 PM-06.00 PM
Pederstrupvej 76, 2750 Ballerup


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