Electricity Transmission and Gastransmission would like to invite you to a supplier meeting where we will present some information on the things we are working with now and in the near future, and we also look forward to good dialogue and knowledge sharing.
- Welcome and opening presentation by Henrik Riis, CEO, Electricity Transmission and Rasmus Sielemann Christensen, CEO, Gastransmission
- Presentation by Procurement
- A sustainable green transition in Energinet, by Rikke Pfänner, Director, Group Sustainability and Compliance
- Energinet’s HSE Journey, by Søren Bæk, Senior Manager, HSE Data, Process and Supplier Cooperation
- Danish hydrogen infrastructure perspective by Mark Christian Degn Eskesen, Chief Engineer, Technology Development, and Kristian Snog Folmann, Group Senior Director, Procurement
We have set aside an hour in the afternoon programme for networking. You will have the opportunity at this time to talk to the other participants, and also to visit our stands where you can meet Energinet staff who will be on hand to talk about their field and answer questions.
The stands will offer information on topics such as:
- From start to permit – How Energinet strengthens regulatory processes.
- Danish hydrogen infrastructure perspective
- Social Responsibility – Labour Clause
- Energinet Procurement, Supply Chain and Legal department
The supplier meeting is being held at Energinet’s premises in Ballerup, Denmark. The address is Pederstrupvej 76, 2750 Ballerup.
It will be a hybrid meeting, where you can see all the presentations via Teams. If you participate online, you will not be able to experience the stands.
Practical information
There is limited parking at the site. We would therefore like to encourage you to car-pool if possible – or to take a taxi.
or online participation
Receive notification directly by mail.