News on Technology Data at your disposal

News about Technology Data is published in collaboration between the Danish Energy Agency and Energinet Electricity System Operator

Dear user of Technology Data, welcome to our first newsletter about Technology Data on energy production, supply, conversion and more. If you are new to the topic of Technology Data you can always learn more and find the latest available versions of the Danish Technology Data catalogues here. Being the first volume of its kind, we have included an overview of updates completed in 2019.

An important application of Technology Data is our Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCoE) Calculator available from the Danish Energy Agencys homepage. During 2019 Technology Data on wind power and utility scale photovoltaic systems was updated and our team used this opportunity to compare the newly updated data with the previous dataset from August 2016 (onshore), June 2017 (offshore) and October 2017 (Utility scale photovoltaic systems). One product that came from this comparison is the figure below, were the output from our LCoE calculator using both the new and the previous datasets is plotted.

The comparison between the two different datasets on renewables illustrates that predicting the development of specific technologies is inherently challenging. In the case of renewables, the reductions in expected levelized cost are happening faster - regardless of technology - than expected just 2-3 years ago. Additionally, the data illustrates that changes in competitiveness between wind and photovoltaic systems are happening and that a switch in relative competitiveness may be less than half a decade away. Hence, according to the updated Technology Data by 2025 utility scale photovoltaic systems will be the cheapest power producing technology available.

Yet the expected long-term production cost of electricity from offshore turbines is largely unchanged, suggesting that the increase in near-term cost-reductions on electricty from offshore wind turbines are a result of known potentials being realized sooner than previously expected.


In contrast to the unchanged long-term cost projections of offshore wind, expected cost reductions on electricity from onshore wind turbines and especially utility scale photovoltaic systems, is seen to have a long-term impact on electricity production costs, suggesting that the respective industries have realized cost reductions beyond what was considered in the previous datasets on onshore wind and utility scale photovoltaic systems.


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News and updates completed in 2019


Technology or section Technology Data catalogue Content of published material Date
Photovoltaic cells Generation of Electricity & District Heating Updated technology chapter and data sheets for large scale utility systems November 2019
Geothermal plants for district heating Generation of Electricity & District Heating Heat pump included in financial data for geothermal plants October 2019
Small scale hot water tanks Energy Storage  Updated technology chapter and data sheet for domestic hot water tanks August 2019
Rebuilding power plants from coal fired to biomass fired Generation of Electricity & District Heating 1) New datasheet added for rebuilding of small boilers from coal to wood chips
2) Updated datasheets for rebuilding of large plants from coal to wood pellets and wood chips respectively
June 2019
Wind turbines onshore and offshore Generation of Electricity & District Heating Updated financial data (Investment costs and O&M) updated May 2019
Lithium-ion batteries and Na-NiCL2 Energy Storage Minor corrections in the technology descriptions March 2019
Generel updates of the Renewable fuel catalogue Renewable Fuels Minor updates to the qualitative description including new figures in the introduction clarifying the methodology February 2019
Catalytic hydropyrolyse Renewable Fuels Financial data added for a new plant design February 2019
Biomass-to-liquid via thermal gasification is updated Renewable Fuels Chapter 85 and 96 is merged February 2019 
Geothermal plants for district heating Generation of Electricity & District Heating Updated technology chapter and data sheets for Geothermal district heating February 2019
Lithium-ion batteries Energy Storage Minor corrections in data sheet February 2019
Lithium-ion batteries Energy Storage  Updated technology chapter and data sheet for Lithium-ion batteries January 2019

Upcoming updates


Technology or section Technology Data catalogue Content of upcoming material  Date 
A new catalogue on industrial process heating and Carbon Capture is in the making  Industrial Process Heating New catalogue(s) complete with guideline, technology descriptions and technology data for key technologies on industrial heating 2020
New chapters on Carbon Capture Has yet to be determined New chapters complete with guideline, technology descriptions and technology data for key technologies on Carbon Capture 2020
Electric heat pumps for district heating Generation of Electricity & District Heating Updated technology chapter and data sheets for electric Heat pumps H1 2020
New chapter on e-jet fuel from Fischer-Tropsch  Renewable Fuels New technology chapter and data sheet for e-jet fuel production from Fischer-Tropsch H1 2020
Geothermal plants for district heating Generation of Electricity & District Heating Updated technology chapter and data sheets for Geothermal district heating H1 2020
New Chapter on hydrogen storage Energy Storage New technology chapter and data sheet for hydrogen storage End of 2019
Updated Guideline for Heating Installations Heating Installations Updated Guideline End of 2019


Best regards,

Your no. 1 Technology Data provider



About this newsletter

This newsletter is created in collaboration between the Danish Energy Agency and Energinet Electricity System Operator and will be used to publish news on Technology Data.

We have received several requests on creating a platform from where we can share information about our progress, highlighting recent updates and other relevant news about our Technology Data.

Being the first volume of its kind, we have been looking forward to this release with anticipation and hope our readers will recieve it with an equal measure of excitement.

Going forward, the newsletter will be published on a quarterly basis with information on updates completed year-to-date.


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