Fees and charges for the Danish biomethane guarantee of origin scheme
When Energinet issues guarantees of origin for biomethane injected into the gas system, the users of the scheme will be charged for administration of and activity in the system. The fees and charges are shown below. Users of the scheme and system are owners of the upgrading plants injecting biomethane to the gas system and companies importing and exporting guarantees of origin.
The fees and charges refect the use of Energinet's register for guarantees of origin (GOs)
Use of the scheme requires an account in the register. The fees and charges cover both fixed and variable costs directly related to the administration and issue of guarantees of origin and also reflect the import and export activity in and out of the register.
All fees and charges are estimated based on a budget and will be regulated according to actual costs, as all expenses directly related to operating the scheme must be covered.
Etimated fees an charges in 2024 which are expected to be invoiced quarterly:
Type of fees and charges | Amount in DKK exVAT |
Registration of plant | 4.000.00 |
Yearly fee for account in the register of GOs | 25.000.00 |
Issue: charge for each GO of 1 MWh | 0.075 |
Import: charge per imported GO of 1 MWh | 0.225 |
Export: charge per GO of 1 MWh | 0.225 |
Variable charges only on import and export between registries
Import and export of GOs means only the GOs that are transferred from one registry to another through the ERGaR Hub.
Transfers within the Danish system as well as cancellations are free of charge.
Historic fees and charges
Type of fees and charges | Amount in DKK exVAT |
Registration of plant | 4.000.00 |
Yearly fee for account in the register of GOs | 31.500.00 |
Issue: charge for each GO of 1 MWh | 0.0746 |
Import: charge per imported GO of 1 MWh | 0.1492 |
Export: charge per GO of 1 MWh | 0.2230 |
Type of fees and charges | Amount in DKK exVAT |
Registration of plant | 4.000.00 |
Yearly fee for account in the register of GOs | 26.000.00 |
Issue: charge for each GO of 1 MWh | 0.0746 |
Import: charge per imported GO of 1 MWh | 0.1492 |
Export: charge per GO of 1 MWh | 0.2230 |
Q4 2021:
Type of fees and charges | Amount in DKK exVAT |
Registration of plant | 4.000.00 |
Quarterly fee for account in the register of GOs | 4.500.00 |
Issue: charge for each GO of 1 MWh | 0.0746 |
Import: charge per imported GO of 1 MWh | 0.1492 |
Export: charge per GO of 1 MWh | 0.2230 |