Presentation from Shippers´ Forum 9 September is now available
On Thursday 9 September Energinet hosted Shippers´ Forum.
Like the previous Shippers´ Forum held during the COVID-19 pandemic the event was held virtually via Microsoft Teams. There were 78 participants signed up for the event where the Senior Vice President & CEO of Energinet System Operator gave insight on the most recent reorganisation within Energinet. In the new organisation power and gas now joins forces to contribute and deliver effectively on the given climate goals.
The Shippers´Forum also had several external presenters. The Danish Utility Regulator talked about their current focus areas. The Chargé d'affaires from the Emabassy of Poland in Denmark gave insight on the role of gas in Poland’s energy strategy and transformation. Furthermore a representative from Gassco presented how gas is brought from Norway to Europe now and in the future.
Energinet also touched upon the Long-term development plan for gas system 2022 (LUP) during the presentation. For more information on this specific topic please find the full report by following this link; Long-term development plan for gas system 2022
Did you miss the event or are you interested in the slides from the Shipper’s Forum they are now available by following this link; Presentation Shippers Forum 9 September 2021.