Balancing Gas Prices

Here you will find a link to the Balancing Gas Prices until the permanent solution with publication on Energi Data Service is in place.

Since the go live of the new Energinet Online platform 1 October 2022 Energinet have been working on bringing public data and public download to Energi Data Service, including the publication of Daily Balancing Gas Prices.

Until the permanent solution is in place, we will publish the Balancing Gas prices here. See documents in the sidebar.

Prices will remain unvalidated until the invoicing of balancing gas. Non-valid balancing gas prices should provide Shippers with an indication on what to expect.

Energinet are in dialogue with the Danish Utility Regulator and Green Power Denmark on how to handle the final imbalance invoicing for October and November 2022, on days where the market players’ balancing task has been particularly difficult.   




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