Outlook for Ancillary Services 2023-2040 provide a status on ancillary services, and aims to focus on Energinet’s best estimate of development in the future balancing markets.
Outlook for Ancillary Services 2023-2040
Energinet published Scenarierapporten (2022-2032) for the first-time last year (2022). This year, Scenarierapporten (2022-2032) is replaced with a new revised version, in English, named Outlook for Ancillary Services 2023-2040. The publication presents a prediction of the future ancillary service market, and is based on current assumptions, legislation and climate targets. The ambition with this publication is to ensure transparent and more future-based communication, in order to express that there is a need for both existing and new actors in the future balancing markets.
Read Outlook for Ancillary Services 2023-2040