Once again a sucessful online shippers' forum
On 17 September, Energinet Gas TSO welcomed shippers virtually once again. This was the second Shippers’ Forum held online, due to the COVID-19 situation.
The virtual meeting had both internal Energinet presenters as well as external speakers from Equinor, Total E&P Denmark, and Gas Storage Denmark.
The presentation from the meeting is now available for download.
Equinor gave a tour on their climate road map, from Total the audience had an insight of one of the most complex development projects i.e. the redevelopment of the Tyra platform, and Gas Storage Denmark gave at status on the ongoing storage facility expansion and the Danish storage capacity in 2021 and 2022.
Energinet had an update on the Baltic Pipe project both from a contruction point of view, and the ongoing considerations related to the gas market.